Drummond Ltd. socialized its environmental policies with contractor companies and presented the Paujil app

La Loma – August 24, 2022

* Juan José Durán, Drummond Ltd environmental management supervisor, during the socialization.

In the context of its commitmeant to carry out mining that is responsible with regard to the environment and to promote compliance with its environmental rules, Drummond Ltd. socialized its environmental policies with contractor companies at its mining operations, located in the department of Cesar.

“The environmental policies manual arose as a tool for providing clear instructions to all of our employees and contractors with regard to compliance with the environmental standards and measures aimed at preventing, mitigating, correcting and controlling the environmental impact associated with the operations,” commented Juan José Durán, environmental management supervisor of Drummond Ltd.

The representatives of contractor companies who attended the socialization have the commitment of transmitting the information received to all employees who provide services or carry out work at Drummond Ltd’s mining operations.

In order to facilitate access to the information, during the activity the Environmental Department presented the Paujil application, in which the environmental regulations manual, environmental policy, environmental guides, maps of interest, results of the industrial air quality network, daily rain reports and contact information of supervisors and principal environmental services, among other things, can be found.

“I am very pleased by the informative event about the environment that Drummond is offering us. We received socialization of the environmental guides and a digital tool that is very practical for us and for each of our employers, where we digitally have at hand all of the information related to environmental matters,” stated Elizabeth Galindo, work safety and health coordinator of contractor company Ppaz Construcciones.

The “Paujil” app is available for installation on devices with the Android and iOS operating systems, and employees, contractors and visitors can access it.

At the end, participants in the socialization thanked Drummond for opening these knowledge transfer spaces. “Our thanks to Drummond for inviting us to this kind of event, where it shows us from technological point of view the ways in which we are making progress in the project, socializing environmental matters that are very important for the country, and above all what is developed as it pertains to the law and new resolutions, in order to continue providing our services here at the mine,” said Jorge Moissl, project manager at contractor company CHM Minería SAS.