Process for Communications Scholarship now open
We continue strengthening the educational development of the journalists of the region

Valledupar, August 16, 2022

* Some of the previous winners and part of the process of the process for the Communications Scholarship.

This is the sixth version of the Communications Scholarship Program in which Drummond Ltd, in collaboration with the Círculo de Periodistas de Valledupar (CPV: Valledupar Association of Journalists), will award a new scholarship aimed at journalists of the department of Cesar. Thus, with the objective of promoting social and educational development in its area of influence, in 2022 process is officially open for journalists born or resident in Cesar to apply for it.

Those interested in participating will have from now until next September 16, 2022, to present the required information, together with the entry application, in a sealed envelope directly at the offices of Drummond in Valledupar (Calle 12 #8-42, Of. 303 and 304, Edificio Orbe Plaza), identified with the subject line Beca de Comunicaciones Drummond Ltd. Likewise, the complete and duly filled out documentation may be sent to the mail address:

Below we list the requirements for participating in this call, which are defined in the Terms of Reference of the scholarship program:

  • Born in Cesar or with proof of having lived in this department for more than ten years.
  • Possession of an undergraduate degree in Social Communication from an institution accredited by the Ministry of Education.
  • Employed by a communication medium or working as journalist or communicator, accrediting a minimum of five (5) years of experience.
  • Submission of their résumé and a letter of justification (a maximum of two pages) setting out their history, personal interests and desire to increase their academic training, also attaching two academic and/or professional letters of reference.
  • Presentation of copies (audio, video or print) of four press items produced and published less than one year previously.
  • It should be underlined that if any of the participants present the requested documents and press items in an incomplete form and do not meet all of the above-mentioned requirements they shall be excluded from participation in the call.

Once the process closes, the applications will be evaluated and selected. There will also be an interview of the participating applicants who have advanced and reached the final stage of the selection process.

Lastly, the timing of the various stages of the process will be informed to the applicants and the name of the winner of the scholarship will be announced by way of a press release.

Among the winners of the previous calls who have already completed their scholarship are Carlos Jiménez Saucedo and Humberto Carrillo Mindiola, with graduate degrees in Strategic Communication from the Universidad Sergio Arboleda in Santa Marta, together with Arnold Murillo Rincón and Aquiles Hernández, who already completed their graduate studies in Top Management and Organizational Communication at the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina and the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, respectively. Currently, the winner of the previous year’s call, Daniela Cárdenas, is doing her graduate studies at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

In the context of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that foster the educational and social development of communities, Drummond Ltd continues to stand out as a company that promotes social responsibility policies through its communication scholarships program, facilitating access to education for prominent journalists of the Cesar region.