Drummond Ltd. presents its first Communication on Progress after joining the United Nations Global Compact

La Loma, August 2, 2022

* The mining company reported that in 2021 it generated 5,053 direct jobs at its administrative offices and mining and port operations.

In the framework of its corporate strategy to generate a positive impact, Drummond Ltd. recently presented its first Communication on Progress (CoP) in line with its commitments as a participant in the United Nations Global Compact. The Global Compact promotes alignment of the operations of companies in the public and private sector with ten universally accepted principles grouped into four areas: human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, as a way to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Esta iniciativa promueve que las empresas de los sectores público y privado alineen sus operaciones con diez principios universalmente aceptados agrupados en cuatro áreas temáticas: Derechos Humanos, Estándares Laborales, Medio Ambiente y Lucha contra la corrupción, para así contribuir a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).

With this report, the company confirms its commitment to implementing best practices in its operations. “Participating in the UN Global Compact is the ideal scenario for giving visibility to the company’s implementation of international standards that give us excellent practices in the area of sustainability. It also contributes to our commitment to promote actions in the mining sector that will demonstrate our work to do responsible and sustainable mining,” said Maria Jose Caballero, Drummond’s Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator.

In terms of human rights, the mining company highlighted the human rights assessment of 11 of its areas during the reporting period. This corresponds to 100% of its operations, including the Office of the President, Physical Security, Legal, Human Resources, Industrial Safety, Materials (purchases of goods and services, and contracts), Sustainability, Community Relations, Environmental, Operations, and Drummond Energy. In addition, it created arenas for conversations with regional and national stakeholders on topics related to human rights, and also with communities and contractors.

Under the Labor emphasis of the Global Compact, it highlighted its creation of more than 5,000 direct jobs in the administrative offices and the mining and port operations, and its plan for additional compensation and benefits. Those benefits cover employees and their families and include college scholarships, school and university subsidies, a hospitalization and surgery policy, extra-legal bonuses, food services, and others.
In the area of the environment, the company reports responsible and sustainable management of its operations, in accordance with the directives of the environmental management system, in pursuit of the well being of the communities in its area of influence, and the protection and conservation of the environment.

In demonstration of this commitment, and to help mitgate climate change, during 2021 it used biodiesel in its vehicles, recovered 144.06 hectares in its El Descanso and El Corozo mines, and planted 63,839 trees.

In the area of Anti-corruption, it reports frequent sharing of the Code of Conduct with all stakeholders to promote ethical behavior across the entire value chain; the training of 231 employees in the SAGRLAFT system and the Business Ethics Program; and the strengthening of the Personal Information Protection Program, with the adoption of all measures necessary and required to comply with legal provisions.

Drummond will continue to report its Communication on Progress (CoP), describing its efforts to implement the ten principles. And the impact of that implementation will be reflected in its contribution to global agendas, positioning it as a model mining company that is commited to sustainability.