With the EsTuDía project, Drummond Ltd strengthens the teaching practices of educational institutions

La Loma, July 22, 2022

* Distribution of teaching materials at the Institución Educativa Rafael Argote

By way of the “EsTuDía” project, Drummond Ltd, in partnership with United Way Colombia and the Corporación Minuto de Dios, works to strengthen and improve the teaching practices of educational institutions in its area of influence in the department of Cesar. “The objective of the ‘EsTuDía’ project is to contribute to transformation of the pedagogical practices of the seven educational institutions that participate in the project. The objective is to improve students’ performance in various subjects,” explained Amalí Blanco Bohórquez, Coordinator of Drummond Ltd’s Corporate Social Responsibility Projects.

The company recently delivered materials aimed at the teaching of subjects such as mathematics, natural science and language to educational institutions in the municipalities of Agustín Codazzi, La Jagua de Ibirico, Chiriguaná and El Paso.

“The impact of these tools on the students is excellent as it contributes directly to the education of our children and youth. With this, we teachers are obtaining supplies for speeding up and improving the teaching process. We are happy about the support Drummond gives us,” said Elida Ditta López, teacher and coordinator of the Institución Educativa Rafael Argote in the municipality of Chiriguaná.

“EsTuDía” works on various activities aimed at teachers and students, among them accompanying in the classroom and strengthening of technical assistance.

“The commitment that Drummond has had is very important because it has been creating some spaces for improvement. It has delivered materials that allow teachers to improve their pedagogical practices, and thus educational quality,” commented María Ditta, director of the school in the municipality of Chiriguaná.

This project, which started in the month of February of this year, is aimed at strengthening the education of students in first to fifth grade. To date, it has benefited more than 200 teachers and 5,000 children. It is already planned that it will have a second phase in 2023.

Drummond Ltd, from its social investment plans, will continue to prioritize projects that aim at the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, as it does through “EsTuDía”, contributing to the education targets of SDG 4 by helping children in the area of influence of its operations to have tools for achieving quality education that will permit them to produce pertinent and effective learning results.