Drummond Ltd. celebrates World Ocean Day with students from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Santa Marta

Cienaga, July 1, 2022

son Barrios, from Drummond Ltd.’s environmental area, with representatives of other entities participating in the event.

Drummond Ltd. confirmed its commitment to the environment and to the marine ecosystem. On this occasion, it participated in an environmental celebration with Corpamag, Interaseo and Recoil to commemorate World Ocean Day. Students from the Nuestro Sagrado Corazon de Jesus District Agro Ecological School in Vista Nieve, and the San Rafael School located in El Oriente, together with their parents, took a guided visit to the Ocean Aquarium and Museum in the Rodadero.

The purpose of the visit to the Aquarium was for the students to learn about water ecosystems as sources of life and the importance of protecting ocean species. Through these guided activities, Drummond, Corpamag, and the other invited entities are able to reinforce the environmental campaigns, “What you do matters” and “Not a drop of oil in the river or ocean,” which promote proper handling of waste products and the importance of having each person help take care of the environment.

Eliana Alvarez, environmental engineer at Corpamag’s environmental management division, expressed gratitude for the positive results from the activity: “We are here with children from the ages of 8 to 17 and several institutions at the Aquarium, which is also our center for the care and rehabilitation of marine fauna, learning about this wealth we can enjoy today, thanks to the celebration of oceans. Thank you, Puerto Drummond and Corpamag.”

Eliana Martinez is a leader in the town of El Oriente who accompanied her nephews on the field trip. She said, “I’m thankful to the organizations that organized this wonderful trip for the students from the schools in El Oriente, El Campano and Bellavista. As the president of the Community Action Board, I want to thank you very much. I hope this type of activity can be repeated that is such a pleasure for the children. Here they learn about the environment and how to take care of it, and they also learn the value of these wonderful places that are so significant for them because they help them with their learning process.”

The children also expressed their excitement with what they learned during the day: “They taught us about taking care of the environment. We saw species like the dolphin, and we also learned how we can take care of the ocean from home by not throwing garbage in the rivers or creeks,” said Daniel Ortiz, a student from Vista Nieve, about the field trip.

Through activities like this one, Drummond Ltd. confirms its commitment to taking care of marine ecosystems and strengthens its social commitment to the communities in its areas of influence.